Caroline 'Mummy to all vloggers Bulldog' Hirons is fighting Lily's battles for her on IG.
Lily posted this long list on IG of things she'd do after all this is over:
When this is all over I want to...
Remember we don’t have to get up and rush out every day.
Appreciate my home, look after it and enjoy spending time just us 3 when we can.
Keep cooking and pushing myself to try making new things.
Buy more locally sourced food and keep supporting local businesses.
Keep checking in on friends and discussing our mental health.
Keep an appreciation for the little things like a hug, a helping hand or a cup of tea with a loved one.
Keep the HUGE appreciation for our National Health Service, even more so than before.
Not sure why it took this for her to realise all this, but OK...
Person A replied:
"But so so much plastic in your food delivery...."
To which Lily said:
"At the moment I am getting fruit, veg and meat delivered in brown paper bags in crates. If there was an option to opt out of plastic for online food shopping I definitely would"
To which person B replied:
"Supermarkets other than Ocado have stopped using plastic bags for their deliveries. Either ask Ocado to stop or shop elsewhere. I hope that currently you leave delivery slots for those who need it most"
Enter Caroline....
"Well done on attempting to judge and find something negatvie in a lovely post. If you read back your comment and don't think 'god I sound judgemental' you're in denial"
To which person B replied:
"Lily said she would opt out of plastic if she could. Shopping elsewhere will ensure no more plastic bags (I heard from zero waste bloggers that peper bags take a lot to recycle, too). And deliveries should be left to those unable to go during this pandemic. If that makes me judgemental so be it"
Caroline also replied to person A:
"How would you possibly know that? Trust the internet to find somethign negative in something positive"
To which person B replied:
"Lily has shown her food delivery before"
Caroline replied to person B:
"Well thank GOD we have you to keep check.
Not just judgemental. Don't sell yourself short. Also entitled and presumptive. Hope you have a good day. Maybe crack open a new notebook and pen to keep tabs on everyone need and tidy"
Wow, just, wow.
Person B only replied to what person A was saying and what Lily said she wanted to do, which was not have as much plastic in her deliveries, not specifically now but in future, too. And I quite agree that deliveries right now should be left for those who have health issues and can't go out. Lily is quite capable of getting out and about.
Well thank GOD we have Carole to fight Lily's battles for her, keeping her small and child-like, in need of protection from the big bad internet.
Isn't it funny how so many of these 'influencers' moan about the internet so much? If you hate it, get off it! Oh, wait........