lifewithjadeedwards #5 Beige

Thick Jade Beb just wants a girl to play dress up with. She never wanted River because he was a boy. She showed more interest in her niece! Let's see if she keeps up that obsession now she's got her own doll to play with 🙄
I really just think she's a cold hearted witch. What happens if her Daughter isn't everything she imagined she would be? Is she gonna ignore it all like she so blatantly has done with River? She's such a lousy, absent parent.
I really just think she's a cold hearted witch. What happens if her Daughter isn't everything she imagined she would be? Is she gonna ignore it all like she so blatantly has done with River? She's such a lousy, absent parent.
She's not suitable to be a mother. She's far too selfish and self absorbed. She'll screw those kids up with her weird ways, never mind help and nurture them. She will expect her mum and dad to raise them anyway
I really just think she's a cold hearted witch. What happens if her Daughter isn't everything she imagined she would be? Is she gonna ignore it all like she so blatantly has done with River? She's such a lousy, absent parent.
I also think she’s just thick! There is not a lot goes on inside that head to be honest. She has absolutely zero common sense and is just a nut job, doesn’t change her earrings incase someone dies, I mean Jesus Christ 🤦🏻‍♀️
I personally can’t wait to see the tit show as River gets older and she can’t carry on with the “it’ll happen when it happens” bullshit
Really wish someone who knew her would come on here and do a spoiler of the baby’s name. And of course it’s been difficult for her, she was never particularly competent at living life when she only had herself to worry about and she was clearly clueless about her eldest’s needs. It’s going to be a million times harder for someone so useless to be responsible for 2 tiny humans! Wouldn’t trust her to help me change my duvet let alone parent two young kids 🤣
I know she has the brain of a goldfish but Reen isn't that old, so she could have forgotten what it's like to have a little beb?🙄

Shut your legs next time Jade Beb. Rhodd and his rug will have to accept his lifestyle of a monk being married to you. Because you only did it twice with him to get pregnant