Life Of The Baldwins #6 Kayleigh Removed Her Kids From School For More Content

At about 29.40 on the live when she was answering a question about if they buy presents for each other, she said to him that he doesn't have much free time before Christmas because he choses to do overtime. He said he wasn't taking overtime and it wasn't a choice, and sounded a little annoyed by her comment?

Yeah Kev seems irritated by her, not a surprise considering how much she contributes.
I watch a woman "Planet Imo" she homeschooled her daughter and I'm watching a vlog where she actually marks her daughters work. So basically Kayleigh could be either marking the brats work that's wrong, or correcting their work. This homeschooling all seems so slack. The person I'm talking abouts daughter is now in university doing well. I doubt the brats will see uni.
My friend homeschools all seven of her children. They have autism. The eldest is at university and the youngest is primary age. The kids are set lessons, work at their own pace and have chosen their own subjects for independent learning. They attend groups for some subjects and socialise with other children regularly. She meets with the education officer annually to discuss progress.

It follows in my mind
1) Your own level of education and general widespread knowledge must be good.
2) Organisation, planning and a disciplined mind set would be vital.
3) Recognising the kids strengths and weakness’ and helping with their struggles might be challenging.
4) It has to be hard work. There is the household routine to maintain at the same time.
5) There would be many distractions in a small house with so many people coming and going.

I openly admit even educated to degree level it is beyond me and am certain it’s beyond Judy and the robber. She is not the sharpest knife in the block and her hubby is even thicker than her. Coupled with her extreme laziness and the attitude those girls have developed I can’t image it going well. The novelty will wear off and god help them when they return back to school.


Felicity appears to have a noticeable lisp/impediment. I hadn’t noticed before. Obviously the baby has speech difficulties, whoops I mean Sienna 🤣
She has the shed of dreams there, she could make that into a classroom then the golden girls would realize they aren't in the home environment but In a school environment for home learning, it could be kitted out lovely for a classroom. But we all know she'd rather put her son with a medical condition and his GF up in there so she can charge them a fortune in rent and keep him at home to use his discount card.
Can you imagine if the teacher rocked up at 11am, starts cleaning the classroom, gives the class something to colour in whilst she updates her socials then 1 hour later takes everyone for a mooch round Dunelm so she can film it, then McDonald's for lunch? OFSTED would go ballistic 😂 why should it be any different for Kayleigh? Not only is Kayleigh letting those kids down, so is the system! 🤬
She is the most disorganised person. Even before she began home schooling , she just seemed chaotic . I can imagine they all roll out of bed well past nine , do a quick twinkle worksheet and that’s it’s . It’s very sad to see Felicity clearly regressing in her speech and mannerisms. As for Sienna , how will she ever come on when she recieves not external input for her speech and behaviour .
Most normal parents if they have kids at school - which she still has but seems to not care - are up half 6 , making sure they have breakfast, sorting out lunch and bags etc , which Riley is only 12 , it wouldn’t kill her to be there for him. Kayleigh needs mental health support - I wonder if she went on medication , she might wake up and realise just how she’s limiting opportunities for those girls.
Quite sad existence really for Kev really although a lot of it of his own doing. His health obviously isn’t perfect. Having to wake up and know from the moment he wakes to the moment he sleeps he’s having to do everything because of his lazy wife. A lazy wife who can’t be bothered to even work p/t to ease the load from him then to top it off he ends up on the sofa most nights as well!

I've said before I think Kayleigh is taking a breakdown right Infront of our eyes. Does no one around her care enough to stop this carry-on, get the girls in school and Kayleigh help.
Definitely something going on with her mental health. You see it in the lives particularly, she’s clearly used to fabricating details and we’ve seen Kev, Riley and Felicity point out what she said wasn’t true. That bottle will fill and explode at some point.
Just seen this on the news, it can't come soon enough for those girls.

A register to identify children who are not in school in England will be part of a bill introduced to Parliament on Tuesday.

The Department for Education says knowledge of where children are will enable councils to ensure a high-quality education is being provided and deliver the necessary support.

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said it would be a "seminal moment for child protection".

The register, part of the Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill, is expected to come into force in 2025.
Can’t her keeping any records what the girls have done I feel so sorry for the girls this time of year with all the Christmas stuff happening in schools they are both missing out on this but she things it’s ok to do half hour day school don’t think much happens won’t be long before they are in the second school and both will be so far behind bet they are all ready dropped a year it’s disgusting how k gets on all the ban wagons and copy’s other families s needs speech therapy as she not getting any better at home