Life Of The Baldwins #6 Kayleigh Removed Her Kids From School For More Content

Watched some of it when it was added to playlist but it was so boring 🤣 Learnt tonight they have pink & blue household jobs, presumably Kev gets lumbered with the stuff that requires effort. Riley gave a little bit of backchat - god help them when he hits the teenage years, I think they are going to struggle especially if treating him as awfully as they do at the moment.

They also only have one joint bank account between them 😳 No wonder she’s spending as she likes, she’s clearly very much in charge of the finances. What’s hers is hers and what’s Kev’s is hers. Is that so she can keep track of him as well? See where he is and what he’s spent money on.
I'm guessing she's not going to show the refurbished dining room table anytime soon, she said Kev put a casserole dish lid down and left a big black ring on it. She then said she never had to pay for the table and chairs in the first place as she got it for free off facebook.
Can you please post links to them, typing the names in doesn't work for me.
I don't know how to link but here's the screenshots

Another day of bare minimum homeschooling. Making bracelets is hardly educational and she leaves them to it to get jobs done! I think she regrets pulling them out of school but is to stubborn to admit she can’t cope.

How can she stand there and say that knowing that’s all the girls have done. It’s mind blowing - Taunton LA need to come down hard on her because her kids are not receiving an adequate education.
At 33:00 on the most recent live she answers someone's question about if the school have followed it up.
She’s loving that she’s had no contact even if she claims otherwise. Gives her longer to fabricate a lie when the time does come. It’s quite obvious in this snippet of their day zilch is happening apart from the odd print out. She mentions it’s a worry for kids falling off the radar and her children are an example of this - they may not be physically abused but things are happening in other ways. Not least they are suffering from educational neglect.

The girls are both regressing. She mentioned Sienna is getting better left on her own. She didn’t have seperation anxiety, it was because she wasn’t number 1 on the pecking order in a classroom like she is at home and she actually had to do as she was told. Nothing I’ve seen of Sienna makes you think there is anything wrong with her other than a very spoilt child being allowed to do as she pleases with a speech issue. She only kicked off when Kayleigh & Kev went to Exeter and she was left with her nan because she knew they were going shopping without her. That’s why she was fine when K took R to the minor injuries unit because she knew there was nothing fun about that.

Did anyone hear last nights vlog she had bought some Krispy Kreme donuts and said Felicity wouldn’t eat one as she doesn’t like sweet things like that. Is she on something? 🤣 All we ever see if those girls having sweet treats, that child has no issue with sweet things especially when she wolfs down a big slab of cake each time they visit the farm 🤣
It'll be interesting to see what happens in the new year when the post-christmas youtube pay rate will drop. Will she have the money for all the days out and treats for the youngest two? In the live she was saying how much she wants a new dishwasher. And will the painting and blinds ever get finished in the kitchen?
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It'll be interesting to see what happens in the new year when the post-christmas youtube pay rate will drop. Will she have the money for all the days out and treats for the youngest two? In the live she was saying how much she wants a new dishwasher to replace her broken one. And will the painting and blinds ever get finished in the kitchen?
She never finishes anything properly so probably not. She's the most disorganised person. You'd think, when you're a family of 8+2 that you'd be a little more organised than she is!! She needs to plan ahead more, whether that's schooling, content or just life in general. And what is it with those bloody Squish mallows? Overpriced tat 🤦‍♀️
It’s all very well wanting these things but it’s quite clear they have very little money. YouTube cannot support their lifestyle she thinks they have in that head of hers & her cleaning is seasonal but also not sustainable if she wants to home educate as those girls shouldn’t be taken to work with her twice a week.

She’s also at home full time so plenty of time to wash the dishes herself & there are 4 other adults in that house plus Summer.

End of August and Summer drops off her UC claim as well if she doesn’t do 3rd year of education. She will need to get out and actually work and those little girls will go back to school. Her car is probably on its last legs & I doubt they’ve got much of a buffer to replace that with. That’s why she was so giddy about Felicity until she realised it was going nowhere.

Why doesn’t she get an evening job at Sainsbury’s or another supermarket to fit around Kev’s hours? That bloke seems to work all the hours he can manage to fund what SHE wants, not a chance her affiliate links gain her much as she claims and her YT only covers a weeks shopping each month if that.
Why doesn’t she get an evening job at Sainsbury’s or another supermarket to fit around Kev’s hours? That bloke seems to work all the hours he can manage to fund what SHE wants
At about 29.40 on the live when she was answering a question about if they buy presents for each other, she said to him that he doesn't have much free time before Christmas because he choses to do overtime. He said he wasn't taking overtime and it wasn't a choice, and sounded a little annoyed by her comment?
