Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t convulsing almost like seizures? You wouldn’t move a person who is having seizures on a normal basis due to the risk of choking and injury to themselves, even if they’d woken up and come round you would advise them not to move or at the very least seat them somewhere safe until medics arrived and you absolutely wouldn’t isolate them in a room on their own, balcony or no balcony. So why did they think it would be a good idea to do it to him? He was unconscious when they carried him back to his room by all accounts so they did that to him before he became aggressive and smashed up his room so there are no excuses IMO. They more than likely just wanted to protect the reputation of the hotel, because in a high end establishment full of guests, a convulsing celebrity guest high off his head on drugs isn’t going to bring them good reviews is it.