has killed me
And what Mother thinks and then announces on IG… just waiting for my 3 YEAR OLD TO CATCH IT - like
LaDontGiveMeTheShits shouldn’t be sleeping in the same bed ffs
And sorry Lauren, it’s not pleasant having a toddler with the runs, but with respect, I’ve had to care for both my elderly parents and let me just say, I would swap dealing with a sick toddler any day (as I did on many occasions when she was that age) and I certainly didn’t post about it on bloody social media!!!!
That poor child, it’s actually a form of abuse, she is projecting all her fabricated illnesses, anxiety and passive aggressive behaviour towards people / family / 0.5 etc, who she treats like cunts, but expects them to come running when she’s eaten something that hasn’t agreed with her and can’t be bothered to have to deal with MiniMe having the same…
I don’t believe for one second that she had a bug, I reckon that she saw all the other young, fit TOWIE girls at this sports day thingy and was mortified, being the size of a house and physically incapable of running a yard…
Which circles us back to a few weeks ago, about her being so into her “training and swimming and Pilates”… oh do JOG ON
I mean WADDLE ON, as jogging would require way to much effort and energy