At it again with poor Lorena’s pics
. Stop sharing this private stuff for attention and articles on the Daily Fail!
I think this is the behaviour that led to the fight, she doesnt have any boundaries, everything is for sale, to be exposed, there is no cut off point with her, she overshares almost anything ... violence is never right, from a woman or man, but if my then husband had made my sons photos public, splashed all over social media, in the press ` without my consent ` ... I would not have been ok, and rightly very angry ... she knows exactly what she is doing, this is all aimed at him, to hurt, to get back at him ... using her deceased child, is point scoring, knowing he is not fine with it ... really is behaviour of a low life scumbag, and for those fooled that this is just a grieving mother, showing off her baby, that is not how lozzzas mind works, continuing to post this sensitive stuff is a `
duck you ` to charli .. she knows it winds him up, and wont be stopping anytime soon, I also think, the same goes for the Jake saga, if its something that pissed charli off, she is posting those weird ` wish you were still here ... look after my baby ` to goad him, Jake made it clear, he couldnt stomach this vile
bleep ( the dead cant answer back, or defend themselves, she fully knows this, which is why she`s using a dead guy to rile her x up ) ... the photos you have of your child that passed, is the last thing you have of them, so you protect them at all costs, not share to the world ... she really is a nasty unpleasant, manipulative
bleep ` inside and out `