Other people's children, no matter how cute, are a pain in the arse in certain places, especially if the parent isn't keeping them entertained.
A child in any type of gym is just a liability.
A child toddling hand outstretched towards a closing door, ditto. Poor kid.
You're shite loz.
As for the 'workout' being great blah blah, it's 5 minutes of very little, plus 30 minutes of face bleeping herself on her mobile. Nothing great about it.
She's been pregnant, not disabled. She's a lazy obese woman who has eaten massive amounts of junk food for years, on a daily basis. She's seemed proud of it.
If Charlie wasn't with someone else she would still be ordering 3 takeaways a day (and that salmon will probably have a whole buttered baguette, chips and pasta in sauce out of shot)
To post constant Praise of Loz, then when someone comments negatively change course, then back to praise again isn't naive, it's gone on too long for that.
A troll maybe, maybe not.
Definitely deliberate as it happens repeatedly. Trying to tone police possibly.
(i have it on ignore but it still appears when quoted by anyone)