I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for her whatsoever. We all have low self esteem (to an extent) and issues with past relationships, body issues etc, but most people have enough about them to actually get up off their arses, have a job and a life and get therapy, whatever. She is lazy, it's as simple as that. It's far easier for her to spend every waking hour on the gram posting silly pictures and imagining that she's Sophia Loren crossed with Angelina. It's not her fault that she's thick but it is her fault that she is influencing a whole generation of young girls into thinking that education doesn't matter and that all you need to do is butcher your face and body and get your flaps out for a few quid.
She needs to wake up and realise that she's:
Tragic. Her pictures show someone in the deepest throes of narcissism. Hooking up with 15 year old gays isn't helping her cause either.
Fat. We can't gloss over that. I'm fat too but I know I am and I try and be as healthy as I can and I don't filter my pics to within an inch of their life.
Come off social media Lauren, get a normal job and a normal bloke and maybe, just maybe, you will find happiness. If not, within a year you'll be doing hardcore films.