You're right. It looks lovely! What’s the recipe?Now come on Jake, how could you resist that treat after a hard day's graft out in the cold?
I know he shagged her and he has a penis and he knows what that means if you shag without protection but STILL
I'm still hoping he's coming to Pride this yearAre we sure he shags her? I think she protests too much with her ‘ive lost so much weight over lockdown from sex’
I’ll just leave this here
There's always POT NOODLE!Now come on Jake, how could you resist that treat after a hard day's graft out in the cold?
LMAO his food standards are low, she found the pefect guy for herself!
I’ll just leave this here
The lady the legend @mandypandy99 remember that time you spoiled a gender reveal *doffs cap*LMAO his food standards are low, she found the pefect guy for herself!
They’re gonna have to bring the ‘engagement’ reveal forward due to them fuckin up the baby genderThey can’t get enough of the thinly veiled hints can they. Sham proposal incoming in the next few weeks without a doubt.
I will give it a very generous 6% chance they’ll actually get married.
Come on! Who is going to ask her? Just for da laffs, babes?I’m waiting for some dimwit to ask her for the recipe !
NOOOOO! The meals will be even sloppier than ever in a slow cooker! You’ve seen what she does to broccoli in a normal pan. Imagine it in slow cooker for 18 hours? It’ll just be green flecks sandblasted across the meat.Someone gift Lozza a bloody slow cooker for fucks sake! I canny stomach her revolting, salt laden stodge fests
It'll sort her pregnancy constipation out at the very leastWhy does everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that she serves up look like pig swill slops? I know ‘we are what we eat’, but still...
They must get the shits something chronic. That slop will go through them both like a dose o‘ salts!