VIP Member
Does anyone see themselves in their children and worry for them? Im diagnosed adhd. My daughter is often 'too much' for other people, im pretty sure she has adhd. She sometimes comes across as spoilt and selfish but I can feel the way she feels does that make sense? I'm constantly trying to get her to 'conform', I know its wrong, but I just want her to fit in with society, but feel I'm damaging her and building her mask. Im sure some of you will understand. Does anyone have any advice or anything you wish you'd been told as a child.
Yes, but the other way around (my daughters are diagnosed asd but I havent sought a diagnosis). Mine come across as rude as they both become mute when people talk to them. The only thing I can think I've done for them that I didn't have is to give them scripts for certain situations. So for example after paying in a shop you say 'thank you, bye'. Or if you see someone you know but can't bring yourself to speak then just smile. I had to work all of that out for myself.
i do struggle to guide them a bit regarding friendships as it is like the blind leading the blind. My eldest is 14 and wants to make friends at school, I bought her some sweets to offer out and told her what to say but she couldn't bring herself to offer them. I feel like I can't help with this as I was the same and still am. I know that she CAN'T initiate conversations with people, not that she won't.