I'd be unbelievably shocked if he nets one fourth of that.
To repeat what's been said here many times, people making $400K DONT:
Live in a crackerbox like that place the parents got him into with no yard, pool or grounds.
Junk up their homes with cheap crap and lego furniture.
Have their 74 year old father and aged mother do handyman work when they visit.
Have $500 debit cards to live on like an allowance and controlled by their mothers.
Covet every expensive trinket, from Rolex watches to Porsche automobiles, they see. They buy them.
Wear little wrist bands from resorts until that 'flex' rots off. Same for hats to clubs they can't begin to afford to join.
Cry in the woods over the cost of their medicine and insurance coverage.
Film themselves eating and spewing word salads while acting like a complete fool
Dance in the aisles at Target, film it, while 'the girl who lives with them' is shopping.
Drive 15 year old clunker cars they pay $24K cash for to some 'sweet elderly gentlemen' in a parking area.
Complain about the cost of a bowl of noodles at a theme park.
Haunt that theme park, ride children's rides, and call that a profession.
Bleed their parents emotionally and financially to keep them up, especially when they're 30 years old.
Beg sugardaddies to pay for a little cruise to a tourist island just offshore.
Have their sister and parents pay for little cruises and tag along, even on an 'anniversary cruise' for the parents. That's just sick.
Grift from some waif and unbelievably needy and desperate woman for discounts and the use of her salary from her real job.
Play Call of Duty while downing TITOS miniatures and seething through a dozen silly bigoted sock puppets to 'own his hatters' online.
.....and on and on and on. The list could go on all night.
The people whose incomes are $400K+ in the Orlando area live in Islesworth / Golden Oak / Lake Nona and even Winter Park and the MUCH better areas of Celebration. He can post all the click bait and misleading thumbnails he wants with him standing in front of homes he can't begin to afford (He would only be there, if ever, to mow the lawn.) but Kyle will never live in those areas or those homes. The $400K is a joke and should be used simply for ridicule and as a punchline.