Frosty knickers
VIP Member
Would she not picture the other hand ffshonestly why are her fingers brown
Did u get the info u were looking for? If u are that concerned about her why don't you message the girl instead of here. Nobody hopes she has Cancer or anything but we are just commenting and discussing dramatics and stupidity of the girl. Sorry you feel that we are the problemAh lads come off the stage there is some seriously sad people on this app! Firstly whoever said that abnormal cells don't cause pain is wrong, the lucky ones have no symptoms the unlucky ones have pain and this can be a cause that those cells have progressed to cancer! The girl is petrified, and in this country the age of smear is 25 which is too old. And many wait a year to two after they hit the age to get their first smear, just because you get to the age and you think what's a year! Seriously some of ye would want yere heads checked. I actually came on this app for the first time in years to see if there was any info, and had she a prior smear or was this her first, because I actually feel sorry for the worry she is going through ! Ye are judging that girl but ye are the ones who are weird, sad lives! Also just to point out she got a call with her results as pointed out in her story, this usually means her cell change is quite bad, have been there before so I know what it is like
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