Kirsten Cunningham - Chronickiki

And breathe.

She’s on tonight and the story today is that her dad gave her cpr (for 15 mins) presume early hours this morning and an air ambulance was called, she wasn’t admitted as the hospital had no beds. On live with no bruises and moving fine. I honestly think this gone way too far now…thing is air ambulance etc can be tracked, her dad was on live confirming her story. It is a total nonsense.

Before I took unwell myself I worked in journalism and have two degrees, ironically specialised in mental health towards the end due to the impact on my own life so I do understand why most of the press will not touch this with a barge pole, but I wished I lived near her and could do some proper sleuthing into her lies and expose her properly.

One of my best friends down south fundraises for her local air ambulance following tragic passing of her brother, in every area they do incredible work and then you have idiots like this on TikTok live thinking we were all born yesterday, there will be nobody there for her when she truly absolutely does need help!!
And breathe.

She’s on tonight and the story today is that her dad gave her cpr presume early hours this morning and an air ambulance was called, she wasn’t admitted as the hospital had no beds. On live with no bruises and moving fine. I honestly think this gone way too far now…thing is air ambulance etc can be tracked, her dad was on live confirming her story. It is a total nonsense.

Before I took unwell myself I worked in journalism and gave two degrees, ironically specialised in mental health towards the end due to the impact on my own life so I do understand why most of the press will not touch this was a barge pole, but I wished I lived near her and could do some proper sleuthing into her lies and expose her properly.

One of my best friends down south fundraises for her local air ambulance following tragic passing of her brother, in every area they do incredible work and then you have idiots like this on TikTok live thinking we were all born yesterday, there will be nobody there for her when she truly absolutely does need help!!
The creepy strange father should be ashamed of himself for encouraging & enabling this nonsense.
I get the impression the dad only plays along because she'll threaten to end her life if he doesn't. Someone called it something like a glass cage kid or something cause Kirsten's sister died young, and that she thinks being sick will get her attention as she was probably getting a lot less when her sister was sick.

I'd feel sorry for her if she didn't make disgusting comments about genuinely sick children.
Do you think it could be possible her dad's enabling her as he has possibly previously tried to help her, knows it didn't work and so is enabling what she does so she doesn't do anything worse?
Didn't see what you'd said above before I posted as I was already on the thread before but that's what I was aiming to put
I do think he is enabling her because they are potentially scared she’ll unalive and could be manipulating him and to a lesser degree Mum - but surely at some point they need to do something. I know the whole thing is complex but her behaviour lately is escalating.

Had never seen this one before. Juvenile arthritis? Life shortened greatly? 🤥
If there is any truth to that, given her dad is suggesting it happened, it clearly speaks volumes about what her local hospital think of her and her health claims. An ambulance (air or land) is unlikely to leave you after CPR given the risk of hypoxic damage needing checked for, heart needing investigated, and well to be sure that CPR hasn't caused any damage itself given that properly performed CPR often results in broken bones, as well as the risk of other physical harm. So if she wants people to believe CPR happened, then she likely went to hospital.

If a hospital is then not admitting you following CPR, it sounds as though they are pretty confident that it was likely unnecessary, unlikely to be needed again in the near future and know that there isn't anything underlying it. Now if you genuinely needed CPR and it wasn't some wishy washy compressions because a call handler suggested it because you were making your breathing sound weird or it is a bit slow (as they no longer have lay bystanders check for pulses and it is all done based on whether you hear breathing and what it sounds like/how often you breathe - and a known side effect of opioids is slow breathing...), you'd genuinely be kicking up a fuss and be worried about being sent home with no reason and reassurance whatever was going on was resolved, but it should also worry you that there is a huge flag on your notes meaning you aren't being taken seriously/assumed it to be malingering or psychosomatic, etc. Genuine concern over a patient requiring CPR would have them finding you a bed!
If there is any truth to that, given her dad is suggesting it happened, it clearly speaks volumes about what her local hospital think of her and her health claims. An ambulance (air or land) is unlikely to leave you after CPR given the risk of hypoxic damage needing checked for, heart needing investigated, and well to be sure that CPR hasn't caused any damage itself given that properly performed CPR often results in broken bones, as well as the risk of other physical harm. So if she wants people to believe CPR happened, then she likely went to hospital.

If a hospital is then not admitting you following CPR, it sounds as though they are pretty confident that it was likely unnecessary, unlikely to be needed again in the near future and know that there isn't anything underlying it. Now if you genuinely needed CPR and it wasn't some wishy washy compressions because a call handler suggested it because you were making your breathing sound weird or it is a bit slow (as they no longer have lay bystanders check for pulses and it is all done based on whether you hear breathing and what it sounds like/how often you breathe - and a known side effect of opioids is slow breathing...), you'd genuinely be kicking up a fuss and be worried about being sent home with no reason and reassurance whatever was going on was resolved, but it should also worry you that there is a huge flag on your notes meaning you aren't being taken seriously/assumed it to be malingering or psychosomatic, etc. Genuine concern over a patient requiring CPR would have them finding you a bed!
Poor bystander CPR for 15 minutes would render you deceased or with a severe hypoxic brain injury. Air ambulances can also be tracked and FOI made. Her bloods would show if she’d been in any kind of arrest. Also her rhythm would be assessed and treat accordingly. The CPR stories are sick, warped and crossing huge lines, there are relatives who may now think “well didn’t the emergency services do enough if they did 15 mins of CPR and their loved one still passed”. I’m always speechless on how she thinks this is believable. A young woman reported to be in cardiac arrest would have every resource sent available, yes ambulances are delayed but that is the highest category emergency - any resource on their way to any lower priority job would have been allocated that, so 15 mins is a long time to be doing “CPR” before ANY help arrives that could be anything from a good Sam responder to an FRV to a crew and what a coincidence that when services arrived she no longer needed CPR.
Why does she lie about cpr? Surely no one believes her heart stopped and her dad brought her back to life but the hospital said, nah, not today, we’re full so you’ll have to stay at home now you’re alive again. BULLSHIT. No beds or not they’d keep her in a&e until there was one or send her to another hospital. Girl needs serious mental health help asap. She needs sectioning.
I wonder if the dad’s enabling is related to not being able to save the daughter they lost.
She’s addicted to opioids apparently so I think a lot of people are worried that she will overdose eventually.

The sister who sadly passed away from cancer did not have the same dad as K. It’s her half sister - same mum. I notice the mum seems more irritable with K. I wonder if it’s because she nursed her dying young child, which is every parent’s nightmare, and she cannot deal with K’s drama.
What a lot of Bullshit!
If she had cpr she would be first on list for bed -, they would fling people out just to get her in. Chances of death after rosc are high - but then she's been through this countless times before and always survived so no change there... eh?
The sickening level of her lies and the involvement from her creepy asf dad give me the boak and a dead uneasy feeling
Why does she lie about cpr? Surely no one believes her heart stopped and her dad brought her back to life but the hospital said, nah, not today, we’re full so you’ll have to stay at home now you’re alive again. BULLSHIT. No beds or not they’d keep her in a&e until there was one or send her to another hospital. Girl needs serious mental health help asap. She needs sectioning.

Feel like I should put a TW at the start of this comment as I understand there will be people on here who have had to do CPR on loved ones or seen emergency services doing it. This isn’t meant to trigger anyone and I am so sorry if it does.

Lying about CPR shows how warped she is.
But also shows how little she knows about the pathophysiology of a cardiac arrest and how quickly thinks deteriorate. It’s seconds, hypoxic brain injuries take seconds to occur and is mostly irreversible. That is unless she was in “arrest” due to opiate OD and was given IV narcan which is like a magic “switch on button” it’s actually crazy to witness- those who know will know.

If someone receives CPR (which alone WOULD cause a traumatic chest injury of someone her size) or for instance some sensible adult member of the public comes across Joe blogs collapsed in the street and rings 999 because he isn’t breathing and has no pulse and said bystander did CPR for 2 minutes that would still be a pre-alert resus situation even if Joe blogs was not in cardiac arrest when the crew got there. The only way anything like that would ever happen is if “CPR” occurred and she had the capacity to refuse transport once miraculously alert and orientated again (there’s more chance of waking up tomorrow waking downstairs to see my dogs has grown wings). It’s simply medically impossible.

Her dad is as sick and warped as she is going along my with it. I believe he’s seriously involved.

Also in the event of a cardiac arrest. Blood pressure is generally unrecordable, people become horrifically cyanosed which often takes some time to reverse with oxygen, her airway would have been compromised & without “access” she would have required an IO.
On the plane app a helicopter did show going to her home town around midnight and left a hour later. Came from the local airport and went back to airport. On her local community page which I'm part off. I saw a post where someone asked what the helicopter was searching for a they had the lights on and searching. A few people said its looking for somewhere to land another said it was for a rtc for a male. So not sure what is true. She also had a cut on the side of her lip dad asked how it happened then back tracked when kirsten looked annoyed he had asked. She said it was from them putting tubes in her mouth. Has said she hasn't got broken ribs but has a massive bruise in that area yet tonight on live she was able to bend down into a cupboard and get everything out she needed with no pain.
She is becoming more dangerous by the day. I honestly cannot believe professionals are allowing her to be doing this to such a vulnerable audience. Fine if she wants to play patient let her but she shouldn’t have a platform that allows her to gain money and manipulate vulnerable people. I can’t believe her family are supportive of her making such a fool out of herself and knowing she is becoming a target for hate (understandable so). She is being failed by the services around her who are allowing this nonsense. It’s truly shocking to me that this is being allowed to continue night after night. It’s clear she’s drug addict on top of her mental health issues. She needs safeguarding just as much as her audience does. The press need to pick this up and show how disturbing this all is. As I do fear more people could follow in Kirsten’s footsteps to gain attention and money as she is seemingly being protected to be able to continue this charade.