Kirsten Cunningham - Chronickiki

I know K is a nasty piece of work but I can’t help but feel that those doing these lives are exploiting Kirsten for their own gain. She may not be physically ill but she’s very mentally unwell & it doesn’t sit right with me what the ‘ awareness lives’ are doing, like what is their end game? It’s turning into bullying and they are no better than K taking money from the vulnerable which the majority of folk in their lives are.

I agree, and it strikes me that some of the awareness people appear to be exaggerating their own illnesses so it’s all a bit pot kettle calling her out. Like they’re going for her in order to protect themselves and/or their mates by keeping the attention on K.
I agree, and it strikes me that some of the awareness people appear to be exaggerating their own illnesses so it’s all a bit pot kettle calling her out. Like they’re going for her in order to protect themselves and/or their mates by keeping the attention on K.
I've said that before on the thread. Previously I've seen those who are loudest in calling out the behaviour are engaging in the exact same behaviours and are jealous of someone getting more social media attention, playing the benefits system "better" or even managing to get treatments or interventions they want to validate their "sickness", and that's within social media platforms, but I've seen it in real life where patients are happy to come to clinic and throw other people under the bus if they are local and assume they've got the same specialist for a particular condition. It's a small minority, but the competition and jealousy can be ridiculous amongst those who are mildly unwell at best or at worst completely exaggerating and/or lying.

What some will be failing to consider is that by drawing too much attention to themselves calling her out, should she decide to change her ways (as unlikely as it is) or someone step in and stop her, those people obsessing over her every move and watching and creating content on the back of it nearly all day everyday may quickly find the spotlight on themselves when their followers need someone else to focus on, so I hope for their sakes they are genuine and not guilty of 'Munchausen by Internet'.
To be fair I don't really like any of them, I find it quite gross how they're all spouting about 'awareness' but are happily profiting off of it all. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Yorkie states constantly 'gifts aren't necessary this is all about raising awareness', if that's the case then turn off the gifts you idiot!

They're all happy to profit off of K though, it's all so wrong.
Think that money is going towards that lady who is dying though
I agree, and it strikes me that some of the awareness people appear to be exaggerating their own illnesses so it’s all a bit pot kettle calling her out. Like they’re going for her in order to protect themselves and/or their mates by keeping the attention on K.

You always see this amongst groups of munchies. It is my total morbid curiosity to read about them and you've hit the nail on the head about them wanting to focus on others to keep their own lies from becoming noticed.

It is sad the amount of them that munch themselves into early graves. Chronically Jaquie springs to mind every time I see Kiki on my fyp.
You always see this amongst groups of munchies. It is my total morbid curiosity to read about them and you've hit the nail on the head about them wanting to focus on others to keep their own lies from becoming noticed.

It is sad the amount of them that munch themselves into early graves. Chronically Jaquie springs to mind every time I see Kiki on my fyp.
It is mine too. I’m fascinated by this - I don’t even know what to call it- public out sharing of “chronic illness” and making it a whole personality. I’ve mentioned before @nickysimpson and it’s almost astonishing to watch their lives, the way they speak as if they’re a doctor, the ACTUAL paramedic kit in their house with drugs/ NHS kit they’ve purchased with UC/PIP despite zero qualification.

They ALL have the same “conditions” and behave very similar but are the first to speak about K. Interestingly said person got arrested for assault of an emergency worker when an ambulance didn’t do what they demanded a few nights ago. I mean who would do that let alone proudly tell a live stream? Listening to other people almost compete on how sick they are and these conditions they make up. There’s a long list of them and it’s very obvious to see what is and isn’t genuine.

I’d love to understand how people behave like this. There are millions of people in the UK who have chronic illness that don’t perform on social media.
It is mine too. I’m fascinated by this - I don’t even know what to call it- public out sharing of “chronic illness” and making it a whole personality. I’ve mentioned before @nickysimpson and it’s almost astonishing to watch their lives, the way they speak as if they’re a doctor, the ACTUAL paramedic kit in their house with drugs/ NHS kit they’ve purchased with UC/PIP despite zero qualification.

They ALL have the same “conditions” and behave very similar but are the first to speak about K. Interestingly said person got arrested for assault of an emergency worker when an ambulance didn’t do what they demanded a few nights ago. I mean who would do that let alone proudly tell a live stream? Listening to other people almost compete on how sick they are and these conditions they make up. There’s a long list of them and it’s very obvious to see what is and isn’t genuine.

I’d love to understand how people behave like this. There are millions of people in the UK who have chronic illness that don’t perform on social media.

Nicky periodically comes up on my FYP and honestly astonishes me. What is it with cameras in every single room constantly filming and then uploading the videos?? I know when people have carers coming in they do often want some cameras for evidence if needed, one of my relatives does but they’re angled so they’re not directly filming the entire room at all times so she can sit out of the view of them (they’d still pick up audio) and as far as I know she never watches them back unless something happens to make it necessary - mind you the only time I’ve ever been shown was to show me how loud an argument out the front had been 😂.

There’s another one called TechAmelia who had genuine cancer but now seems to be munching it all up, they do the exact same thing with cameras in every room and posting all the footage, it’s bizarre.
Nicky periodically comes up on my FYP and honestly astonishes me. What is it with cameras in every single room constantly filming and then uploading the videos?? I know when people have carers coming in they do often want some cameras for evidence if needed, one of my relatives does but they’re angled so they’re not directly filming the entire room at all times so she can sit out of the view of them (they’d still pick up audio) and as far as I know she never watches them back unless something happens to make it necessary - mind you the only time I’ve ever been shown was to show me how loud an argument out the front had been 😂.

There’s another one called TechAmelia who had genuine cancer but now seems to be munching it all up, they do the exact same thing with cameras in every room and posting all the footage, it’s bizarre.
It’s strange behaviour. I 1000% agree for families concerned about vulnerable relatives but no reason for it otherwise. Nicky was showing off BVM’s/ airway adjuncts and everything. Out of an ambulance green logo kit 😬 No person should be able to obtain medical equipment they aren’t trained to use. Double standards when they’re speaking on K for “buying medical equipment” 😂
It is mine too. I’m fascinated by this - I don’t even know what to call it- public out sharing of “chronic illness” and making it a whole personality. I’ve mentioned before @nickysimpson and it’s almost astonishing to watch their lives, the way they speak as if they’re a doctor, the ACTUAL paramedic kit in their house with drugs/ NHS kit they’ve purchased with UC/PIP despite zero qualification.

They ALL have the same “conditions” and behave very similar but are the first to speak about K. Interestingly said person got arrested for assault of an emergency worker when an ambulance didn’t do what they demanded a few nights ago. I mean who would do that let alone proudly tell a live stream? Listening to other people almost compete on how sick they are and these conditions they make up. There’s a long list of them and it’s very obvious to see what is and isn’t genuine.

I’d love to understand how people behave like this. There are millions of people in the UK who have chronic illness that don’t perform on social media.
She got arrested 😲😲😲😲😲 What happened? She has her own threat but no one has updated it.
What was the horrific story she told that required on account to need to take time off to protect their MH?

They think she has Munchhausen yet stream her all the time and feed into it. They seem as addicted as she is.

I saw a story say that had text over a video saying “Kirsten says she is calling out a nurse to put in a central line”. When you watch the video Kirsten clearly says I’m going to ask a nurse to put in a cannula. At this point the exposing pages are making up as much crap as she is. All the comments are about how a hospital has to place a central line. No one mentions Kirsten claiming to call a nurse for a cannula.
I saw Kirsten talking for quite some time last night about how her mum had suffered multiple pregnancy losses, including a stillborn son. The way she spoke would have been incredibly triggering for some people, so it might have been that?
Yeah this and also I think when she was talking about her sister with the brain tumour. I only saw Kirsten talking about this part not the bit you mentioned. She apparently also was talking about how she nearly died at birth. Apparently she was about to start to have a seizure and then suddenly was fine and talking about all this. Apparently she's done it before when he dad's been there and he has told her to stop? She also got a phone call not long after it last night that she paused the live to take so people were thinking it was probably her dad telling her off for sharing it all
I've seen kcsbabies.3 (Karen) commenting on TikTok posts about Kirsten's behaviour which is hilarious because Karen does the exact same attention seeking things and has done for years: seizures (fake or real, I don’t know), meltdowns, fake medical issues, etc. and more recently "accidentally" flashing in very short shorts, but I'm hoping that phase is over now that it's November 😑
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I've seen kcsbabies.3 (Karen) commenting on TikTok posts about Kirsten's behaviour which is hilarious because Karen does the exact same attention seeking things and has done for years: seizures (fake or real, I don’t know), meltdowns, fake medical issues, etc. and more recently "accidentally" flashing in very short shorts, but I'm hoping that phase is over now that it's November 😑

Oh my. What is this Karen women 😂😂
KCsbabies is unhinged, whether her medical issues are real or fake I don’t know but she’s always on lives “having a PTSD attack” or crying. It’s bonkers, and her mods jump on anyone who questions whether she should be on live like that.

Karen (@KCsbabies.3) claimed to have a swollen face one night. She didn't. What she'd done was shove some scrunched up tissue between her gum and cheek.

Everyone watching (100+ viewers) including her mods could see it. It was visible when she spoke and when she tilted her head back while laughing. The tissue started to break up at one point and she had to spit the white bits off her lips. She struggled to speak a few times when it slipped out of place. I thought she was going to choke on it at one point.

Then she leaned forward and, out of shot, put some fresh tissue in place and when she sat back up the 'swelling' was twice the size 😭

The next three nights she sat there saying there had been no tissue 🥴 She was only asked about it on the first night, the next two nights she said there was no tissue completely unprompted. She went on about it for ages.

The whole tissue saga happened on her previous 50k account.

More recently, during absent seizure moments, she managed to switch her little light back on each time it went out.

Everything that ever happens is perfectly in shot.

She's barely been on live since Kirsten went viral recently. Two or there times, maybe. She used to be live at 10 pm every night.

When she's not having an episode of some sort she's reading stories to her viewers.

She's 61. And I hope I don't see her crotch ever again, thank you.
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