KCsbabies is unhinged, whether her medical issues are real or fake I don’t know but she’s always on lives “having a PTSD attack” or crying. It’s bonkers, and her mods jump on anyone who questions whether she should be on live like that.
Karen (@KCsbabies.3) claimed to have a swollen face one night. She didn't. What she'd done was shove some scrunched up tissue between her gum and cheek.
Everyone watching (100+ viewers)
including her mods could see it. It was visible when she spoke and when she tilted her head back while laughing. The tissue started to break up at one point and she had to spit the white bits off her lips. She struggled to speak a few times when it slipped out of place. I thought she was going to choke on it at one point.
Then she leaned forward and, out of shot, put some fresh tissue in place and when she sat back up the 'swelling' was twice the size
The next three nights she sat there saying there had been no tissue
She was only asked about it on the first night, the next two nights she said there was no tissue completely unprompted. She went on about it for ages.
The whole tissue saga happened on her previous 50k account.
More recently, during absent seizure moments, she managed to switch her little light back on each time it went out.
Everything that ever happens is perfectly in shot.
She's barely been on live since Kirsten went viral recently. Two or there times, maybe. She used to be live at 10 pm every night.
When she's not having an episode of some sort she's reading stories to her viewers.
She's 61. And I hope I don't see her crotch ever again, thank you.