Kelly Fitz Missellamayandmommy #2 Kelly Fitz is the pits flogs her kids and random bits

Jesus you are very excited about it. It’s just not that far to drive, shes always driving up
And down. I am sure she has a rave thread somewhere (doubt it to be honest) if you wanted to chat about her there?
But it’s a stupid comment to make is what I’m saying 😂. I’m all for calling someone out for things… but it looks like she paid for a hotel. Paid for her tickets to go and enjoy the concert.

Are you annoyed you didn’t get tickets to it? That’s ok 😂.
My teenage daughter would be scaaaaarlet for her life and would be fuming with me if I posted a video showing me getting dressed and in my bra to my private page never mind a public page with a few k followers….. no need for it at all…. Not even a little bit!!!
My teenage daughter would be scaaaaarlet for her life and would be fuming with me if I posted a video showing me getting dressed and in my bra to my private page never mind a public page with a few k followers….. no need for it at all…. Not even a little bit!!!
The Dove Ad shower scene is worse 😳