VIP Member
Have to admit the people going are loving it, calling them both #Iconic seeing a lot of that. We really do underestimate how many people love them both, the comments are very positive on SM by those attending Accordingly even ‘Lady Marmalade’ which was trashed in the Telegraph review is wonderful No matter how bad they both are it’s still hilarious, and lots of jokes about her financial affairs…..just bantz innit, Skank don’t do taxes, oh my aching sides
Found a 3 second video where she was wooden but actually mainly in sync, ain’t posting it as someone is threatening people posting stuff with copyright, has Anton Arsehat got someone searching SM, in this case Tacky Tack and trying to get any videos deleted
I do think Arsehat is working them hard, this really isn’t like her previous Pantos, both of them are exhausted and judging by the comments on SM they are having to put a shift in. Can Skank and KK survive this punishing schedule Agree with @tracey3871 I’m not sure she’ll get H on stage, maybe backstage once or twice, some fans are asking for it to happen, but will Arsehat let her exploit H in anyway. We’ll find out soon
Found a 3 second video where she was wooden but actually mainly in sync, ain’t posting it as someone is threatening people posting stuff with copyright, has Anton Arsehat got someone searching SM, in this case Tacky Tack and trying to get any videos deleted
I do think Arsehat is working them hard, this really isn’t like her previous Pantos, both of them are exhausted and judging by the comments on SM they are having to put a shift in. Can Skank and KK survive this punishing schedule Agree with @tracey3871 I’m not sure she’ll get H on stage, maybe backstage once or twice, some fans are asking for it to happen, but will Arsehat let her exploit H in anyway. We’ll find out soon