Yup, and she promised us we were getting Lives while she was up there
Judging by the cat photos that place she’s staying in looks tiny, reckon she wouldn’t ‘wanna reveal too much of it on a Live, bit of a comedown for madam and her empire is back claims, let’s see if she does any this week
Honestly this is shaping up to be a complete disaster, going by that radio interview yesterday, they are not really bothering with the script, they are gonna wing it with their banter, will they be crude and slurring as they were yesterday on this family show
How difficult must/will it be for the rest of the cast having to work around these two. We know KK can do it, but currently there seems to be something very wrong with her, she’s acting more manic than Skank, and is obviously lying about this ‘rib injury’. Her slurring is terrible, she can’t go on stage like this, she’ll sound drunk. Based on what we’ve seen over the last few days, Anton Arsehat, and the Director, despite their public denials, must surely be very concerned that this is looking like a very big mess
Roll on first night, I do hope The Scum have a reporter there