I dunno what to make of that, yes she has to finally attend the PE on the 27th, but what happened about the £25K the previous judge said she had to pay now, what about the cars, has that been addressed. Has she again swerved that
Feels a bit like nothing has happened, she was really squirming, trying to avoid court, using zoom instead, throwing her MH card on the table, Dim Lynne appears to be holding her hand, she’s has no legal representation. She has serious questions to answer, there is no way she can answer them without proper legal representation. The 27th is going to be another farce I fear, I don’t feel like we had a win today, I really thought we had her, but this biaatch just cannot be nailed down. Not feeling the Kylie wine celebration is happening tonight after all, anyone able to persuade me otherwise, is there a reason to still be positive, that felt very weak in court today