I can't go into the grim details on here, but KFP has convinced AFP & Mr PP that Kieran is a serious 'perv' & bad man (just think the likening him to JS rant). I understand she has made some seriously bad accusations about Kieran to the family, which they believe. She has said this is why the kids are with her & not their daddy. I understand Jett made some very unsettling comments to teachers at his school, ( I won't/can't say anymore as it can't be substantiated) about things he had heard & seen at MM. She subsequently pulled Jett out of school. I believe, because he know's too much about what happens with her, Crawl, her lifestyle ❄
etc. This make's me angry, because I don't understand why the school haven't got the authorities involved, especially as he no longer attends school too. Maybe they have & the process is just slow, but I would have thought by now, something would have been done.
KFP is a serial manipulator, who has convinced everyone Kieran is the bad guy. 14 months now, since she took those kids & has made numerous accusations to police/authorities about KH. To me, this feel's far too long. Forget about backlogs, those kids are seriously in need of stability, love & routine. What they have witnessed over the years & more recently in Liverpool & at Katona's as well, is not what is acceptable to young children. But, it's just treading the same old ground, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
The WHOLE of the Price clan, disgust me.