Highly doubt she will be allowed to bring any of her kids into the BH
They have been like that for years. I noticed them in IACGMOOHUrgghh Christ on a bike…this tiktok live is disgusting on so many levels!! Jett should not be witnessing this, Princess is worrying unfazed. Why are KFP’s eyelids are so crinkly.
Bloody hell! That looked brutal! what a shame! State of her rubber ring top lip
So this is the filler being dissolved? Loads of ppl saying she's doing it wrong!
Hope it hurts like hell & she's in agony for days. Stress can easily cause a coldsore breakout too, so that will be extra nice...
This is so funny comedy gold she’s going to have to have flappy lips for two weeks
Death rattle?She’s making loads of weird noises
@Winepig this made me squeal with laughter I would imagine Bunnycuddles was wearing a wipe clean Ann Summers nurses outfit & crying because they were so emotionalI didn’t see it from the start , 10 minutes at the end was more than enough .
There’s probably a couple of street drinkers, Bunnycuddles & all the lads from the rugby club in there aswell
Oh @DC16 you silly billy..... she'll sneak a couple of the kids in under her deflated lipsHighly doubt she will be allowed to bring any of her kids into the BH
She's on about doing gymnastics next time she's on a live. Won't that hurt her feet
Which is why I hope they remove him fast. I was the scapegoat in my house, so it was easy for me to get away, but brother wasn't so lucky. He was the golden child full of hate and resentment, but the inbuilt guilt lead him down a dark path. He died a heavily depressed alcoholic refusing all help but he had no trust in anyone. I would hate to see it happen to anyone else. He refused all help because our mum had persuaded him that everything should stay in the family and Doctors and therapists weren't to be trusted.
It's very sad what her mother has managed to do to her in the space of a couple of weeks. Think back to when she got her GCSE results, she was fairly pleased with what she got, looking forward to college and happy to resit her maths to pull up her grade. Now she seems to have dropped all those plans, in order to hang around with her mother, do a 'private' course which will have no actual qualification and become yet another nepo baby Z lister. This is what a lot of us were afraid would happen and said so, only to be shouted down by the 'P is a sensible girl, she won't do that', Pete won't allow her' brigade. Well it seems as though P isn't as sensible as we had hoped and clearly her father doesn't have as much influence as we hoped!Fully qualified with a proper, recognised degree the world would open up for her. A-listers, TV production companies, film companies, advertising companies, cruise ships, all employ beauty therapists but why would anyone bother taking on Skank's daughter trained by Fern Pointy-Chin and the butterfly-lip butcher (whatever her name is) when there are professionally trained people to chose from? Princess is getting set up by her mother to a lifetime of back street/industrial estate salons.
It's actually mind-blowing just how fucked her eyes are even with industrial strength filtersView attachment 2434865 q
That is one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen in a long while, puke making.