Sleeping with other girls and buying them presents, eh? Right at the outset Coal was reported to be slagging off Skank in Sheesh. Knowing she was more than available and failing to find herself a new egg, did he hatch a plan? Was the plan to get off with her, get her to butcher and inflate her body into a substandard Lola Ferrari while at the same time addling her brain with a constant supply of snow, make her totally dependant on him, then pimp her out to any loser who could show him the cash?
I couldn’t understand why he would suspend his own life for three years to be around this horrendous woman, but if he’s actually living his own life whilst bleeding her for cash it makes more sense. She is too arrogant and deluded to question his motives, and she’s too deeply unpleasant and dishonest to warrant shred of sympathy.