Never mind the knee tattoo what's going on with her lips/face in that last photo!What’s going on with the knee tattoo?
Isn't that the club that Prince Harry used to frequent? Doesn't his mate own it?Hey Guys.
Any of you ventured into an elite Club in London called Boujis ??
Hubby renovating and upholstering there over the last few day, finishing off bits before a grand opening tonight.
Well I'm shocked at the story's he was told about a selected few!! I've told him 1. I want a souvenir 2. See if there is any Gossip on KFP!!
Hubby's best mate, who us working there with him, was telling stories about Sam Fox.
The best mate years and years ago, was the stunt man in robo cop, still has the suit thingy....
Annnyyy how... I didn't realise he dated Sam Fox for a while just before she hit big time....
He says nothing but nice things about her, His mom thought she was the best thing since sliced bread...
I asked him what he thought about KFP...
The air turned blue
So I'm waiting on gossip as I type this crying
Ps ... I have to be careful what I say as apparently the staff are made to sign an NDA thingy, but obviously still gossip..
Blooming prices at the place is astonishing!! 5000 pounds a year for membership, 1000 pounds a night for a table, 3000 pounds for VIP room...
These celebs live in a different world!!
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