Do you mind me asking …. Was she forthright ? Defiant ? Upset ? Confident ?
I've been working and didn't get a chance to answer this before the thread closed. Princess was with a friend and they were a bit giggly, but she was anxious to get her message across. She was nervous and said she doesn't do live Instagram very often. Her use of language would suggest that she was frustrated and sad in equal measure, and it reminded me that this person, who we all thoroughly despise, is her Mum. She seemed a little nervous and out of her comfort zone, but ultimately, her message was; "its not okay to send me messages about how much you hate my Mum". I felt inherently sad for Princess. Much has come out recently about what Princess has been exposed to. KFP is despicable that she put her daughter into the position where she felt she had to come on social media and ask that derogatory messages stop being sent to her.
bleeping hate KFP. Off to catch up on what's been happening over the last 24 hours in KFP land.
Thank you for answering , that’s lovely of you to provide such a detailed & well thought out answer .
How very sad for Princess .
My thoughts are that The Andres should ensure that her Instagram is private until she is 18 , blue tick removed , friends & family only …. No Social Media “ modelling” until she is 18.
It’s not like she’s the new next big thing , that they’re not media savvy , that they need the money.
You know , like in Common Sense Land.
Princess clearly wishes to follow her mothers footsteps , that much is becoming obvious .
This is NO slur nor presumption about her personality , she seems like a sweet level headed girl .
But let’s not forget , fame & attention is like crack to many people …. And P comes from that stock , that background …. and is being bought up in that environment.
Look at Andre , yes he’s grown up a lot but he absolutely craves any fame / attention, he always has . So , in my considered opinion , The child P should remain just that in private , until she is legally an adult . The father needs to ensure this happens .
Otherwise, unhinged types WILL continue to contact her , for all sorts of reasons , not just The Mother.
One can only imagine the nature of some of the other messages she likely gets .
And there is a parent that could easily put a stop to this immediately , yet hasn’t
Now , whilst I’m on one of my deep thinking muses - P needs to not go down the “ people won’t leave me alone” route that the Mother has used for entire career. It’s simply not true as we know .
Price has engineered attention for years , all the while asking for privacy . It’s an age old tactic & it doesn’t wash . I would say that this too needs nipping in the bud now , this “ I’m so popular and beautiful I can’t get a minutes peace “ mentality that her Mother has instilled in her , It’s a dangerous mindset to have , and it’s also simply
There are thousands of famous and TALENTED ppl who manage to live the majority of lives out of the limelight .
But again , managing P’s use of SM would put paid to all this for the next 3 or 4 years.
It IS sad that she felt compelled to do that live .
But it’s also VERY easily dealt with .
Not bloody difficult is it ?