Why oh why are these people still pandering to an has been?
Is it that we are wrong?
Is Skanky some Peoples Princess, bravely struggling against her demons and grossly missunderstood?
I thought appearing on OF was a death knell for TV careers but then I spied Katona on Stephs Packed Shite happily talking bollocks so there's obviously no standards applied to what constitutes a 'Star'.
Let's all get our front and back bottoms out, entertain our chocolate starfish with a courgette and boost the countries GDP, getting up every day and going work to graft don't cut it anymore, seems being outrageous and a cheap tart is what the general public appreciates nowdays.
Beginning to lose your looks?
Doctor Frankenstien will sort that with some grotesque modifications, each worse than the last, and people will perform the emperors new clothes trick, afraid to cry out for not wanting to be seen as not being one of the crowd.
Ram drugs down your throat on a regular basis, get drunk and piss yourself, mistreat both people and animals, it's ALL good because somebody, somewhere is waiting to make programmes about it glorifying your disgrace whilst excusing it with claims of mental health problems.
Hell, why not dress it up as helping other people with these problems because that will get the viewing figures up and continue to bring in the money.
People ask, is there intelligent life in space?
Based on this, none whatsoever.
I really despair at the world we have created for our children.