VIP Member
I thought it was Younique too but it isn't! She is an affiliate of Yu, so sounds like you don't build a team but earn commission off sales.
Also that training she is offering to build your own digital marketing business is £400. Basically it's a generic course and Katie would have signed up for at some point which in turn gives her the right to sell it on, which she is now doing. I first came across it when The Ingham Family started pushing it. It's almost like an MLM, but the products get pushed down and there's no recruitment. Katie has also released at book for sale about making money online, Chris from The Ingham Family did this too and claimed he made a few thousand from sales, although it looked like AI had written it.
Is the fitness advice she offering chargeable too? The thing is if she is earning money off the fitness and diet "wellness" products I think she's supposed to be very transparent when advertising these and state every time she has had a tummy tuck etc. It's like those make up ads or volumising shampoo ads that have been pulled off the TV as they didn't state the models were wearing fake lashes or hair extensions.
I didn't realise Amber had left Younique. Well, we've seen how much debt Katie's business is, how overdrawn her business bank account is, so I'm not surprised she is trying to sell everything and anything.
Is it that master reselling rights? huge con, they buy it to be able to re sell it and pocket the money from those sales, so many people falling for it thinking it will change their lives and unless you have a massive following it will be really hard to re sell. Shows how little regard she has for her followers if she's trying to push it to them.
Does she still do Younique then? Is she allowed to be selling for another company if so? hmm the plot thickens.