Katie Louise Hamer

Such strange behaviour. Yet she is claiming on her socials that has earnt 6 figures in the past four months, so could have easily afforded to pay to reschedule her flights or just booked completely new ones.

Also, she has left Maddox with his Aunt, Lee's sister, and instead of phoning an ambulance or rushing him to hospital her first thought was to delay getting him help and phone Katie and Lee. I know it's hard to think straight in these emergency situations and I feel very sorry that Lee's sister had all that responsibility on her, but surely if a child has gone limp, eyes are rolling back in his head and he is unresponsive you don't delay a second. Maddox must have been going down hill for a while if “one of his lungs was completely full of fluid“ and his Aunt probably didn't pick up on this, but with his complex needs it might have been harder for her to notice compared to Katie and Lee.

They shouldn't really leave Maddox, who has complex needs with family members who aren't professionally trained, especially when they don't know what to do in emergencies, or can't explain what's happening in hospital. Sounds like Katie phoned Maddox's key worker from nursery to be in attendance in hospital as she knows him well, understandable given they were away, but still, I can't help think that he should have been looked after by someone with more medical experience. There are respite services, both government ran and private that have trained professionals, including medical staff that are specifically set up to look after children such as Maddox so parents can have a break. And trust me, some of these parents need this in order to be able to keep going. Katie can afford private by what she is saying!

I am glad the little lad is ok, but hopefully they reassess the situation going forward when they choose to fly so far away.

Also, yesterday she replied to a question that she is planning to go back to USA this summer. So assuming given the circumstances they wouldn't leave Maddox so soon, or if they are taking him, how easy is it for them to even get specialist medical insurance, especially given he nearly died so recently?! I am assuming as its the summer holidays that it would be a family event, not just a couples holiday.
I wouldn't want to risk taking him abroad so soon after that!
More like understandably nobody wants the responsibility of caring for him should he take a bad turn again bless him
Originally she didn't mention Maddox as the reason for not going. Her reason, even after Maddox had been in hospital, was that she wanted to allow more time for her teamies to achieve the trip. I agree with you, it will be childcare.
Definitely childcare, she didn’t fly home from the US when he was so poorly in hospital but stayed out there until their scheduled return flight
I can't even watch her now. I find her obsession with weight and diet triggering. I've got a child with additional needs, and they aren't anywhere near Maddoxs level of needs. And my child is a teenager. But the last thing I cared about when she was younger and we had so many professionals involved with her was what I looked like or weighed. Her and my other 2 children were my only focus. She's image obsessed
Such a bullsh*tter. The photo below is from someone who did Younique and then followed Katie across to Farmasi. The woman in the photo has recently had a tummy tuck, vul*a lift, breast lift and I think lipo, she shared her story online. Now the photo on the left I think is before and the other two are after, she was incredibly swollen and said it would take months to go down and was sharing her journey. She had lots of excess fluid etc, so that will be some of the weightlossntoo too as her body settles. She probably has lost a few lbs top but these photos are misleading!
I'd say he has global development delay. I know his delay in speech suggests autism. But from what we can see he seems to be delayed in other development areas. I don't think he has an official autism diagnosis. It took us years to get my daughters. But then again obviously every child is different and maybe in his case he has been easier to diagnose. But she does jump on bandwagons for the algorithm so who knows with her. Anything to bring in the views, or to draw in another group of followers
Has her little boy actually been diagnosed ASD or has she just jumped on that bandwagon too? I know he’s definitely got needs but wasn’t sure if he’d had an actual diagnosis?
I'm not sure tbh. She didn't announce his diagnosis (well not that I saw) or post that he was being assessed, she just started using the hashtags and saying he was autistic about a year ago. In one way, as he has quite complex needs and has probably had lots of assessments, so maybe going through an ASD assessment wasn't really anything new that she felt the need to mention. But then again, she likes to gain followers etc, and posting the assessment journey would have got her social media interactions. I know two people and despite their children being non verbal, in nappies, not meeting milestones it still took a bit of a fight to get a diagnosis as the NHS seem to be against giving a diagnosis quite young. I think they were nearly 4 when diagnosed, then there was the whole fight of getting an EHCP, which she hasn't mentioned either. Plus then trying to get a special school placement when they are school age is another fight. With all of Maddox's needs hopefully that's quite an easy process for them, and Maddox's nursery will support them.
Her stories trying to control the narriative. She has mum guilt over not being here when Maddox took poorly. So much guilt she stayed the whole week still. Rather than jump on the first flight home. She could've even hired a private jet all the tens of thousands a months she claims to be making. Whilst living in a rented house 🤥
Her stories trying to control the narriative. She has mum guilt over not being here when Maddox took poorly. So much guilt she stayed the whole week still. Rather than jump on the first flight home. She could've even hired a private jet all the tens of thousands a months she claims to be making. Whilst living in a rented house 🤥
The latest one doing the round amongst the huns is that’s she’s made £50k in bonuses in 5 months. If she has she could have easily paid for flights home when her son was ill.
Just realised that Maddox can start school this month (turned 4 in the summer), it didn't twig properly that he would be a September 2024 starter. Looks like she is keeping him at his specialist nursery longer. Technically he can miss Reception and go straight into Year One. Although if she is choosing that option she might struggle to get the school she wants as places have obviously already been allocated, both mainstream and special. After two years fighting for a special school place my friend has finally got one for her son, (and she had everything in place during the application process) he has had two years in mainstream, which just couldn't meet his needs fully. Wonder what their plans are.