My head is spinning - how can you go from reposting your Ali express make up brushes to a smiling assassin watching Line of Duty, mote brush reposts, to a gin cart, more brushes, a tent, back to brushes, a inspirational quote, more brush reposts, a few selfies at the zoo, then cupcakes, more reposts of brushes, then a repost about blocking trolls, make up brushes, a handbag & her dads grass cutting trainers, a crying face with a mental health story, info about Palestine, a hair style, back to mental health, a dress for Olive, mental health reposts, more Palestine, and then back to reposting her brushes .... this is all in 24 hours - imagine following her for make up inspo and that’s what you get - never mind Herrrr Berrrssssttt my bloody head is Berrrrsssssttttt