I didn't watch the whole thing but from what I saw they were mostly answering questions that people were asking them. Yasmin said that she doesn't want to date a British guy and she is willing to date a guy from any country as long as it isn't from the UK. There were many compliments from people towards Kate and saying how gorgeous she is. Yasmin said that her and Bee weren't seen really as people only compliment Kate (I sensed some jealousy) and then someone complimented both of them as well and they seemed pleased. I think Yasmin mentioned that Kate has been going on a lot of dates but then they all started talking about how it actually wasn't that many and only 3 (yeah right
). Some guy complimented Kate and she rolled her eyes at first and to me it looked like it was "I've heard that before, it's so annoying" kind of attitude but then Yasmin read the username and it was a guy they apparently all know and then Kate got all smiley. I forgot what the name was but I think it sounded French
Then after a few more questions Kate said that she wants to go take a bath and she left Yasmin and Bee to continue the live. They also mentioned all the traveling they would be doing in the next few months. That's all I remember