Kadieslifeandjourney #1 crazy eyes, pregnancy lies?

I had a look at the cheese and it kind of look like she's broken some off not exactly a bite mark tk me lol

I really dislike her talking about dating/ meeting someone else, she clearly has a very bad radar, is so desperate for love, and most worrying is that she stayed with the pedalo when she knew what he had done. The biggest risk to children is when a mother meets a new partner and whatever she says she would struggle to put the baby first. She'd want another baby ASAP and end up tied to yet another completely unsuitable person
I had a look at the cheese and it kind of look like she's broken some off not exactly a bite mark tk me lol

I really dislike her talking about dating/ meeting someone else, she clearly has a very bad radar, is so desperate for love, and most worrying is that she stayed with the pedalo when she knew what he had done. The biggest risk to children is when a mother meets a new partner and whatever she says she would struggle to put the baby first. She'd want another baby ASAP and end up tied to yet another completely unsuitable person

Ahh maybe! It looks rough whatever happened 🤣

And yes I agree, dating should be the last thing on her mind!
What sort of weirdo flims themselves at the park, rocking a baby in a sling?!

I only listened to it because I was curious if she was gonna explain the outfit choice. Are those too big skinny jeans or too small mom jeans?!
and then I heard the made up story about the stranger to get Alejandro’s attention. You know for someone who proclaims is happy and that her kid is happy without him, she sure does bang on about him a lot.

Most deluded she's been since she thought it would work out with Alejandro