Oh definitely! Hopefully people will start to see her for the power hungry madam she really is. Might be totally wrong because I don’t even follow her but isn’t takingcarababies another one who uses crying methods in her course?So I used to find her sleep advice really useful when I had my daughter in 2016. Flash forward to my recent newborn and WOW she's a twit. She preys on rich or celeb pregnant women by commenting, or on celebs with newborns. She barely gives any free advice anymore. There are ssoooooo many amazing insta sleep coaches now who give you so much free stuff as well as AFFORDABLE sleep guides that are up to date and not so old fashioned and based on the real science of sleep (my new fav is cozybabysleep but we all love takingcarababies too). Long story short, she's pretentious and like others have said it's all about business rather than actually helping people.