Sneddon’s posts are absolute dross- she posts random questions that have no relevance to anything to try and get some kind of engagement. She also lies. She’s not lost any weight for years- all this training she does and it makes not one bit of difference. I remember when she was training for iron man- you would have thought she would have been in the best shape ever- but she wasn’t. She likes food far too much. She originally lost all her weight by doing slimming world- she even filmed a commercial for fry lite through doing that. Every now and again, she’ll drag out a picture saying how she wants to get back to that- she never even did juice plus in half those pictures- so false advertising. Sneddon, please just give up the ghost. You’re done, the money’s gone, you lost your house and fancy cars through JP cos you got greedy (living the champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget) . You did all the holidays, bought all the handbags and fancy clothes- but all of a sudden, luxuries like that don’t matter to you anymore (sound familiar, Kadie?)- just admit that you’re absolutely broke. People would have more respect for you if you told the truth about what happened, why your house had to be auctioned off, why your husband now has a job when you “retired him” (by the way- his tiktok dad account isn’t remotely funny and will not make you rich either), why you did a moonlight flit to Ireland when all your kids’ friends were in England, why you had a tax bill for 70+ grand and didn’t pay most of it back, why you had to beg for money for your daughter’s operation when you earned tens of thousands a month? How you have the gall to still try and sell this tit is beyond me. Have some bloody self respect and go and get a proper job. The JP bubble has burst- it’s over!