JoJo’s World #6 JoJo’s liver works harder than he does for 10k views... Unless he's rooming with Zach.

Oh man, the king of over compensating. Big car, big lens = tiny......

There is no way he knows how to use that camera or lens properly.

He paid cash, wow. I guess he could have easily saved up with roommates.

Doesn't there have to be a key of some sort?
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Did a quick scan of the transcript. The screenshots give a bit of an overview of the Tesla problem. He seems to have a workaround with the app. I wouldn’t be thrilled if my car was randomly locking and unlocking. Or given Florida weather ⛈️ , the windows went going up and down.

😳 at the estimated month wait for a service appointment. Booked an appointment last night for my “non-Tesla.” Brought it in this morning. Had it back before 1pm. [routine maintenance]

