Don't want to derail the thread but another side of the coin for homeschooling here
We are seriously considering home schooling our daughter who is currently a toddler. For numerous reasons really but when we have mentioned it to family the main reason they've said against us doing it is the social impact.
However my view is...I am only friends with one person I went to high school with, anybody else I see from school (especially previous bullies who conveniently forget about that now) I don't and won't speak to. I am not and never have been a sociable person, school didn't help me with that at all.
I was always top in primary school and in top sets at high school yet always felt under the radar as such. The 'naughty' kids got the teachers full attention which took away from mine and others schooling.
Homeschooling to me gives me the flexibility to be able to teach my daughter what she is interested in/good at rather than her learning for example what pi is which I have never used in my adult life.
I don't necessarily believe Joe & Rosie have gone down the homeschooling route for the right reasons however, the narrative that parents are
tit if they do decide that isn't good.
To add my daughter doesn't attend nursery (another thing I get shunned for and told her social skills will suffer) yet she is the most social in the few classes we do attend