I would have attempted that hike with kids as we did plenty of similar when ours were little but absolutely not with a toddler and a baby in carriers. You have to be able to move quickly and grab the kids if they get in any trouble or panic etc.
Plus the heat for a baby wrapped in a carrier would be potentially really dangerous increased when you start sweating yourself.
Everything Joe does is for flex purposes. He could have easily gone with the 2 older ones by himself, while Rosie kept the younger 2 in the shade. I can't get over the fact they did it in casual, fashion trainers - not even sturdy walking boots. It's great that they want to provide their kids some experiences, beyond the lovely childhood memory of having to sleep alone on a sofa in a strange country for 3 months, but I think it was just foolish in the heat and conditions.My first thought was ‘what if one of them (child or adult) slips and bangs their head? Or falls from a height onto the rocks?’. Why oh why would you want to attempt that with four very young children in tow? Two of which need carrying! Is it supposed to be some kind of big flex or something? Cos I’m just thinking twats.
It's a good job none of his children have SEN. Can you imagine him having to be up all night with an autistic child that doesn't sleep, or one that only eats beige food, or one that isn't physically able?
Joe is 100% ND so the likelihood is that at least one of his kids is too.
Which one do you think?From the videos he posts online, I’m convinced at least one of his children is showing very strong signs of being neurodivergent. I’ve wondered if that’s the real reason they home school.
Which one do you think?
Oh, what makes you think that. It's fairly obvious that Joe has ADHD to me so stands to reason some of his kids will be ND. He thinks he's such a great dad, he makes me so angry with his constant posting his kids online for all and sundry to seeSecond eldest.
It's simply not possible you know. Joe gives his kids proper food so they certainly wouldn't have any issues
Tbf to Joe (and I’m not one to do that as a rule!) I don’t think it’s very unusual or even wrong to be fed up with night wakings when you have small children. I did NOT feel constantly grateful about being a parent when I’d been woken several times every night and would moan at anyone willing to listen!