Oh no please don't think I was intentionally singling you out in a bitchy way ahh you were just the first person I thought of and you have mentioned it a few times lately. I enjoy reading everyone's posts
Even differing opinions, it's good to see how others are thinking! Though I officially joined last month I've been here a long time
. This forum is nice to use compared to GG and the likes so I never really ever intended on joining in with any of the boards but here I am lol
I wonder why the music has taken so long to be released. I think he said on yt stories or maybe IG that he was going to film a music video and was looking for a choreographer. So maybe he could be a one hit wonder! So I guess you are right that he is not taking it seriously or his heart just isn't in it. Perhaps he is nervous to release it who knows. I think his voice is ok.