I quite agree, but that makes her vulnerable in the wrong hands, surely?
Here i diverge. I do not think you can excuse Joe because he acts the same with others. In fact, I think it makes it worse, because it tends to confirm a pattern of aberrant behaviour.
Joe does not present as a wife beater or alcoholic (though at the age of 24, when the first vid above was made) I do question his punching of Zoe's arm for amusement, which at the very least was not a good example for a minion audience).
However, it is Joe's cramping of Dianne's style, which seems more or less continuous which bothers me. The almost continuous put-downs. At first, I thought it was maladroit video posturing and that maybe they acted differently when he was not vlogging. However, seen from other vlogs by people other than Joe, the control theme continues. I could list a series of disconcerting behaviour by him, if you insisted, but in brief, it all adds up in the long run to an unconscious attack on Dianne's abilities., which over time will almost certainly sap her own independence and self-confidence.
As many others here have repeatedly observed, is it necessary to keep calling out DB's deficiencies in spelling and lack of knowledge? She cannot cure most of it and why should she worry if she cannot? She has a more successful mainstream . career than Sugg, so why should she be forced on the back foot, to be made to look foolish for things which do not concern her everyday professional life? It is humiliating. She does not need a Ph.D to be a successful dancer.
In the Pan, why should Sugg even try to assert he can cook anything other than a bacon roll? It's a pound to a penny he was living on take-aways before he met Dianne. He is in no position to present other than as a mentee, and yet he asserts himself as some sort of juvenile Greg Wallace, the bald know-it-all who is a greengrocer, not a chef but has the gall to present MasterChef. /rant
I agree, And it is sad,
You never cease to amaze.
Astrology apart, I fear you may be correct.
I disagree with you about parts of the Strictly Live tour. That episode where he stacked bed linen on her head for starters, as he asked Dianne to solve a riddle.
But as you all observe, Dianne seems besotted...