So now everyone hates George Clooney lol
but he isn't wrong and he isn't even saying he's not still chummy with the man but everyone's still pissed.
I don't really even like him, he's just neutral to me as an actor etc no offense to anyone, but I actually rate him for having the balls to say Biden needs to step down for all to see and hear.
Honestly, how can he even come back from this? Z elensky his ally, calling him Putin, even accidentally 1) is an affront and 2) shows he has cognitive decline. How can this man seriously serve America anymore?! And they LIED in the press after the debate saying he's fine... I'd love to see his press secretary excuse this one...
I assume that's some of why he's a bit behind in the polls.I just keep thinking, if he's this bad now, imagine what he'll be like in 2029 at the end of the term?
So clearly they plan to replace him, the question is just when, and why don't the American electorate see that this is what's going on?
Trump seems so willing to do the test, I'm guessing he has probably just had one done privately and thinks/knows he will pass another oneYou’d think it would be a priority
Now Biden has gone surely they won't go with Kamala Harris
I wonder if Gavin Newsom will be airdropped in
They'd be mad to go with Kamala. She has even worse ratings than Biden, they may as well stayed with him. Plus what has she done, there is so much Trump can attack her with.
He’s not of sound mindApparently he has endorsed her.
National Lampoons Presidential RaceKamala is so bad. You forget how awful because all of the attention has been on Joe.
The fact Joe hasn’t actually resigned and will be on the campaign trail with her. This will be comedy gold