Chatty Member
Her hair is in awful shape considering she just got it done. But in typical Larbo fashion she claims it's naturally sleek and straight and the current frizzy mess is something she deliberately did herself d
My sentiments exactly!!Her hair is in awful shape considering she just got it done. But in typical Larbo fashion she claims it's naturally sleek and straight and the current frizzy mess is something she deliberately did herself d
I just rewatched it there and I think you’re right. I went back to the ones earlier in the day aswell and you can clearly see the different on one side. Still out here trying to fool people Jojo..The jawline is still fuzzy looking to me - convinced it's filtered
It's the newly applied ratty looking extensions I'm referring to. They don't look like good quality
I absolutely did not need to know her thoughts on masturbation
She's some wankerI absolutely did not need to know her thoughts on masturbation
Thought the same . She put up another unfiltered ( ish ) photo there and the hair doesn’t look great at all . Really dry . Not really a great advertisement for Superstylesabby !!Wow her hair looks so dry
They did they called her Joanna !! imNice shout out there from an interiors account. They know you so well talking about how you are so real. And then you call you Joanna..
And if that was true about the woman and her daughters surely she would have shouted out to the daughters by name. SPOOOOOF
The visitors doormat will get its chance to shine !So Sinead is going to Joanne tomorrow Makes me really dislike her if she’s been sucked into Joannes fakeness. At least there’ll be someone actually visiting their house in cork
That's actually shocking..... just checked there and there are 11 comments not including hers...... there is no way any brand is still paying her. How is she getting by,money wise?Her latest post with the new hair on it is up 4 hours and has 15 comments, she’s started to reply to comments so she probably has only gotten 7 or 8 comments.
Out of 141k followers that’s mad !
How to brands still want to advertise with her is beyond me !
Because you all are still checking her page & giving her views.That's actually shocking..... just checked there and there are 11 comments not including hers...... there is no way any brand is still paying her. How is she getting by,money wise?
Surely she'll be terrified in case Sinead posts a photo of her that she can't Photoshop?Wait for the omg BFF sinead span....
She no more wants to be there I’d say
Her nerves will be gone.Surely she'll be terrified in case Sinead posts a photo of her that she can't Photoshop?