I wish he’d just get on with it he’s been dropping hints for months now. Plus like I said on his thread, his continual bitching has probably made it difficult for the collabs that are still there. He obviously gave people like Jess their chance there but in all seriousness, surely he didn’t expect them all to leave because he did? Apart from being under contract to ITS and not him personally, the money is good and like I’ve said before, definitely her main income. The likes of Stacey, Perrie and Charlotte weren’t reliant on ITSs money but I’m pretty sure Jess is. There’s definitely been a shift since he went. Jess has had less collections plus she definitely doesn’t promote them like she used to.
Barring Jac Jossa (who I’m still convinced will also be leaving once her contract is up), I’d imagine out of the other collabs left, Jess is probably the highest paid and that’s why her and JJ aren’t being used as much now. People like Hannah Brown and Jenny Mogey seem to be the ones now churning out collection after collection.
Whenever he finally spills the tea, I’m sure nothing will be Adams fault though
I can't wait to hear what crap he comes out with. ITS was a failing business under him probably not helped by giving out contracts to influencers like Jess. He can witch all he wants about the owners now but i doubt he's about to start a new company with the same business model he had at ITS.