I don't think Jennys set out to make money from her channel because her earlier videos was very sporadic. No ads, no merch, no selling viewers stuff.
I questioned when Jenny said the videos were for her children to have memories (the obvious question was why not set them to private?) but after spotting Jenny did indeed have a private video (the one I posted) which has now been made public, it answered my question.
I think Jenny & Tiffany are worlds apart, I honestly do.
There is no denying that money is being made from her channel. Jenny recently said "now that I have got an income" which I assume she means from her youtube channel. Does that mean she is cleverly curating content though?
I don't see any difference from her first video when she was diagnosed to most recent video? Other than perhaps accepting what stage 4 actually means.
Even in videos where I have felt a little awkward watching (example- mothers day) because as a viewer it felt like I was watching sentimental things which I feel should be private (why the children love their mummy), I questioned if the content was to pull on heartstrings, but after I visited very old videos (before diagnosis) I can see similar. I think it’s just Jennys & Kyles way of life?
Daisy, you are showing you have a soft heart right here
Fancy coming to my house to clear the ladybirds from around my window frames?
It dropped cool here lastnight and I couldn't shut my windows because I'd end up squashing them. Softie me! Or silly bugger me laying in bed cold because I can't squash squatters that seem to love my window frames.
Childrens task for this weekend is to catch them all and take them outside.