Messy Bessie
Well-known member
I agree. He has made mention about having a therapist that he talks to regularly. I think he needs a psychiatrist as well. Or what about his grieving group therapy That was supposed to go down? You have to make time for that. Personally I would not feel good about spending the GoFundMe willy-nilly throwing Big Ticket items out on camera with again no thank you. Sorry it's repetitive but I just can't believe that he hasn't thanked the viewers. I personally could never take charity, no matter what the situation was. He's definitely spending a ton of money behind the scenes. He's going to blow through all of that money in a hot minute. I've made mention of it before but it is ridiculously expensive to live out here. And now he probably will only be teaching and not doing all of his side jobs as he was doing before the gofundme. He will have to spend more time with the children instead. He should invest some of the money. He'll need it if his kids are going to college and the excessive" free Disney trips" continue.. That grief cushion is getting smaller by the day, and his ass is growing bigger by the second.Thanks again @Make sense of it! . My uncle passed away peacefully and my husband made it home just in time, thank god. My daughter is fine after a course of antibiotics and we had a lovely funeral for uncle Tom on the 20th. Quiet, peaceful and a good send off for a good man.
I'm not sure what's happening with Kyle. If he is truly unravelling as it seemed in the latest video then he needs to seek psychiatric help. He has alluded several times to not knowing how he will live without Jenny which is potentially worrying. On the other hand he is spending money like it's going out of fashion, going on that expensive trip and eating in restaurants meant for adults.
I feel really sorry for the children, I can imagine him blubbering and snottering in front of them, a sight bad enough on screen never mind having it happen right in front of you. I can't believe he still doesn't have tissues for his hooter