Turns out she has mentioned rosary beads being thrown before, back in 2013. Story
slightly MASSIVELY different (it apparently happened to a friend, not her):
When it comes to tackling big decisions, Jameela says just do what's right for you...
Story changes again in 2021 where she claims the above happened to her, including rosary beads, and also mentions at the time she weighed “way over 175lb”.
Actor, director, writer, and newly-minted podcaster Elizabeth Banks joins Jameela this week to discuss the ways PMS can affect your mental health, why Elizabeth is fighting so hard for reproductive rights, and how Elizabeth loves to wear dresses when directing movies. Elizabeth's podcast - MY...
Story changes AGAIN later that year, when she hopped on Instagram telling her followers “I had not a minute of regret. I only felt deep relief and gratitude that I lived in a country that made abortion accessible and safe.
Nobody made me feel bad for being there”.
Seems, like with most of her tales, she can’t keep up. When she wants to appear like a victim she apparently had objects thrown at her as she was carried into a clinic, but when protesting anti abortion laws in Texas she apparently walked straight in and nobody made her feel bad for it