This (amongst so much else) fucks me off to no end. I've lived in rented houses my entire life - 29 years. I've never had a bedroom I could paint, I've never been able to hang up shelves, wallpaper or redecorate in any form. Currently cannot have any pets (even though not having a cat is a definite factor in my depression at times - I miss my old cat so much!
I worked my arse off at my comprehensive school, and came out with way more than 4.5 GCSEs. I've put myself through uni, and again worked hard to ensure I never live in the poverty I was brought up in.
Yet, even with all of that, and having an
alright paying job now - I'm still at least 5+ years away from being able to buy even just a literally
crappy tiny flat.
Does that annoy me to no
bleeping end? YES.
Do I think I am entitled to having the things I do not have? NO.
Instead, I still keeping working away at my alright paying job which I am hating more and more each day, because no one else in my life (or random Twitter people) will pay for the things I need, and certainly not the things I want.
It's funny, because anyone who actually grew up poor, or just-getting-by, will know and understand that moving house when the rent gets increased too much, or the landlord decides to sell, or wants someone not on benefits in their extra home - they will know that this existence is just what you have to deal with. Only someone who grew up in the absolute comfort and certainty of their parents wealth and ability to provide would even begin to think in this manner and level of entitlement.