VIP Member
Well ninnies, we made it to 600 THREADS!!!
Winning thread title by @NomDeGuerre, from a review of one of guest's books by someone known only as Alex. You win a medal and a place in canal history as the thread title winner for this six hundredth thread! Alex wins nothing because they should know it is a carabina (WARNED!)
Wiki up on the pink button!
Winning thread title by @NomDeGuerre, from a review of one of guest's books by someone known only as Alex. You win a medal and a place in canal history as the thread title winner for this six hundredth thread! Alex wins nothing because they should know it is a carabina (WARNED!)
- No VBI
- No accounting for Patreon funds
- No bylines
- No tellybox
- (Almost) no engagement
- No visits from "The Teen" except on Tuesdays
- No new books
- No public appearances coming up
- No pet insurance for her cat, but she does have it for the dog
Wiki up on the pink button!