VIP Member
Not sure if it’s the one you’re thinking of, but in 2020 right after LJC LEFT, she woke up with “sexy hair” then a man sat close to her on the train so she kicked him in the shin, then another man “leered at” her in the street.She might have threatened/suggested that she would kick him in the shin. I can't remember, but I definitely have the feeling that she did suggest she would cause him harm. It made me (still makes me) feel quite shaky and uneasy because she hadn't even asked him to move his leg or anything, didn't even give him a chance to move.
I'm short, and have short legs but the man I spend my time with is tall, with long legs. I know a lot of the time, he doesn't fit into spaces like I do. He might put his leg down the side of a seat, not realising it would annoy someone. If they asked him to move it, he'd be so embarrassed and move immediately. If someone just...attacked him?! Makes me feel like crying.
She does have a lot of train incidents. Prick.
Starts here
Jack Monroe #17 The shed is dead, shaved her head, on the beg for a left-hand Smeg
Back on topic, I’m a bit uncomfortable with the comments on JM’s appearance specifically teeth/gums — that’s the way she was born, and it seems a bit unnecessarily bitchy. However I think it’s fair to comment on her hair as that is something she has chosen to do to herself. Also commenting on...