Hope the spoiler works. I can’t share stuff here because some real life people know who I am on here but God I wish I could. I have a relative who is basically Jack (with a less annoying face & a better sense of humour-not hard). I was ranting to Harold earlier after yet another kick in the face from this person who has no decency & I said you lot would rip them to shreds if I could share stuff here-the lies & the selfishness is off the scale & this is the one place I have found where people aren’t dicks and see
tit behaviour for what it is & call it out. Would genuinely love to get feedback on some of this because there are so many bright, wise & no bullshit people here whose opinions I really respect & who are fair. I always learn a lot here & it helps those of us dealing with genuine trauma in the real world as Monroe (who, let’s be honest-is a boring Auntie Pat nobody-she’s almost a hologram who represents all the
tit things in life & all the worst traits in humanity) manages somehow to always represent something that pisses you off/irritates/enrages/offends your sense of justice. Kind of like how Hitler got power by being all things to all people in 1930s germany. She uncannily manages to be everything that’s wrong with the world & that’s the beauty of these threads.