VIP Member
Ars. It's the funniest thing ever! Anyway. On a more serious note all these scammers follow the same routine mostly.Until very recently I didn't know what a Stephen Bear was. I had a look at his thread on here and haven't felt right since. One can only hope Jack never attempts to replicate his "ars" antics.
•Background that can have holes picked through.
•No apparent wider family and friends, or dubious ones and enablers.
•Charity fund raisers. No one knows where the money is except for a 'select few'. Anyone who questions is BLOCKED.
•Brought themselves up from nuffink and 'nose how it is'.
•A liking for brands and bling.
•Breadcrumbing terrible 'tragedies' when they know their star is waning.
•Evidence of drug use.
•Posting about places they are or are going to. When they clearly are not.
•Or they are in these places and have sold their soul to get there.
•Shutting down their SM when things get a bit spicy.
•Calling troll when questioned.
•Calling abuse when things aren't going their way. With no evidence.
•Sadfishing to rally their troops.
•Over inflated opinion of themselves and their 'work'.
• An almost cult like following, carefully curated. Depending on the SM platform that will be managed in different ways.