Bangs? Another Americanism.
She surely has other scissors in the house, right?. I would assume she has at least three pairs.
She surely has other scissors in the house, right?. I would assume she has at least three pairs.
FFS, you can be slightly different shades of white, just as you can be brown or black. Isn't that like Jack always going on about her Greek Cypriot heritage and why her hands look dirty? Just because two illustrated characters aren't exactly the same shade of pink doesn't mean one is black.
Yep, my first thought too. Starting to recognise patterns in her behaviour now and it's making me uncomfortable.
It was in the original list darling heart of mine, but I haven't been able to update it due to having to rescue a pup. This is another one who was dumped in the campo near here, our 4th this year. I collected this baby mastin/German Shepherd baby at about 8am on Saturday and guess what, Jack, he was at the vet by 10am. He was full of ticks, anaemic and starving so I've been spending quite a lot of time liking, loving and laughing at all your clever posts but the one thing that I haven't been able to do was engage in on-line wars with imaginary enemies (or posting photos of £60 teapots) or trying to treat him myself. Anyway, long story short, I have managed to find Baby Jake a lovely new home but he will be staying here until he's a bit better. The little tit has also chewed through the lead to my laptop, tipped eleventytwo bowls of water over and poohed on the bed.
Phew. New list updated to include the ludicrous claims in the Washington Post interview.
Before SB:
Bar worker
Body Shop rep
Busker - I'm not sure where this fits TBH, with Billy Bragg
Call handler with Essex Fire and Rescue Service
Chip shop worker
Pharmacy worker
Sex worker
Sunday school teacher
Supermarket worker
Post SB:
Book reviewer
Creative director
Food blogger
Food consultant
Food stylist
Media manager
Patron of 9 charities
Political activist
Radio show personality
Sales Manager
TV presenter
......and mum
Bangs? Another Americanism.
She surely has other scissors in the house, right?. I would assume she has at least three pairs.
I think she's referring to her ADHD/Autistic 'diagnosis, again.I don’t get it either. A hilarious self burn? She’s not half as clever as she thinks she is.
There will be the most enormous low.
My 12-year-old’s burning through the series right now, he loves them.You (or your mum) will be pleased to learn he is far from a Tory!
I adored the HH books. I rinsed my local library of the entire collection growing up The perfect kind of book that encourages you to question everything - past and present.
They surely are, ma’am. Yee haa.I'm sure she’s mentioned loads of kitchen scissors (presumably three), yeah. The americanisms are just forced aren’t they?
I sell witty bastardised song lyrics - COMMISSION ME.Don't mind me, the ghost ofChristmasSaturday past. But, @crystaleyesd, this is absolute effing genius The Grunking is worth it.
Definitely. She's had a huge high over the last few days. The crash is going to be immense. I'm feeling a bit clammy just thinking about it. I, occasionally, in my stupider moments, miss the incredible highs I used to get when cycling big time between mania and depression, but even thinking about someone else's low is reminding me why being calmer is the much better option.
My 12-year-old’s burning through the series right now, he loves them.
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‘Bangs’ I’m surprised she didn’t use her trusty bread knife. It’s ok to have normal scissors, Jack. Not every tale needs a twist.