Prickly Pink Rose
I have been relentlessly working through all the threads from rinsed hoop to the 30p mortgage saga and wonderfully threads they are. I wanted to like her (honest) but with her relentless spin on twitter is getting me quite cross. I once wanted to give her some (cooking) advice but didn't realise how jealously she guards people of not letting anyone reply. I have cooking credentials 20 yrs in catering, ran my own (but not quite) café and loads of other things, but I've never seen a menu of quite honestly utter bs. I have come to the other side now, and glad AM wrote what she did, otherwise |I wouldn't be here. When she started spouting of about her MH, gender stuff etc my nose twitched, it got even. more twitchier when she said she was an alkie. I thought wtf next? Anyway I digress. If she has booze problems and goes to AA there is no need to scream about it (sponsor's will not let a person boast and they wouldn't be very pleased about the attention seeking she so obviously desires - pride etc)
Spoke to OM (mine) and he said surely if she is being fraudulent with all her patreon followers, (promising things and giving sweet fa back) well she is indeed being fraudulent, but no one on her specially picked out people are allowed to tell her that.
Spoke to OM (mine) and he said surely if she is being fraudulent with all her patreon followers, (promising things and giving sweet fa back) well she is indeed being fraudulent, but no one on her specially picked out people are allowed to tell her that.